Youth of BFM

Many of our members are under age 18. This page is dedicated to them and their love of flying! If you would like to be a part of this amazing group please let us know

Adam Rupis – AMA Scholarship announcement.

Words from Adam – I just was informed that I was awarded a $2500 scholarship from AMA! I just thought I’d thank everyone here that helped me though my journey in this hobby, which ultimately led to my acceptance to Georgia tech for aerospace engineering, and obviously this scholarship. I owe almost all of my success to this hobby and you all!

Summer Plans for 2023

Our youth members are planning some events for the summer of 2023! Some of them are planning on becoming certified AMA instructors, helping other youth learn how to fly, and participating in presentations and events throughout the summer. Stay tuned for more info and keep an eye out on this page for photos.

Wings of Youth

Three of our youngest members built Crash Test Assassin Wings. They spent Saturday and Sunday building. Then they had their maiden flight on Sunday evening with a bit of wildness and out-of-trim flying!

From L to R – TJ, Adam, Andrew & Kale
Formation Take Off – Sort of

The smiles on their faces says it all!

The Youth Take the Field
Adam was heard saying, ‘Who needs landing gear?!’

The real story –

The truth comes out….

He claims the AeroScout flies tighter turns without them. Who knew?

Andrew Earned His Certificate

Andrew made his solo flight one day after learning how to fly RC planes! Jim Fuller, one of the BFM Instructors, hands Andrew his Certificate of Flight! Andrew is smiling because he earned his green check on his club card and can now fly solo! Congratulations Andrew! We are proud of you!

We have more members who will be adding photos soon. Please check back later!